Decimal numbers are another way of writing fractions or numbers that aren’t whole numbers. All decimal numbers have a decimal point in them which separates the part of the number which is larger than one from the part that is smaller than one. Let’s look at the following decimal number:
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We can split this number up into lots of decimal numbers:
215.678 = 200.0 + 10.0 + 5.0 + 0.6 + 0.07 + 0.08
In word form this is:
2 hundreds + 1 ten + 5 units + 6 tenths + 7 hundredths + 8 thousandths
This table shows all the words for these different orders of magnitude:
Number |
Word form |
1 000 000 |
Millions |
100 000 |
Hundreds of thousands |
10 000 |
Tens of thousands |
1 000 |
Thousands |
100 |
Hundreds |
10 |
Tens |
1 |
Units or ones |
0.1 |
Tenths |
0.01 |
Hundredths |
0.001 |
Thousandths |
0.0001 |
Ten-thousandths |
0.00001 |
Hundred-thousandths |
0.000001 |
Millionths |